by: Camille Giglio
The U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Washington, D.C. ended a few weeks ago. Attendees, including the Mayors of Oakland, Walnut Creek and San Francisco, to name a few, came back home filled with ideas, described by Walnut Creek mayor, Kathy Hicks, to “make this a wonderful place [to live]” So, it should be no surprise that the cities of Oakland, Walnut Creek and San Francisco are capturing headlines proclaiming new programs and goals to help their residents live gracious and fulfilled lives.
One wonders if Hicks thought our town was not so wonderful before she went to the Mayors’ Conference?
All the Mayors proclaim that their city and it’s residents are so unique but if instituted all the so-called innovative programs will create a dreary samesness across the country.
In an interview for the Times Mayor Hicks is quoted as declaring that “It would be very arrogant not to listen to the different opinions. We on the City Council do listen to a wide variety of input and we have to make the best decisions we can. We can’t agree with everyone.”
Though she and other small town mayors like her, may indeed listen, in fact have to listen to the opinions of residents, in truth it is the opinions of professional Planners protected from the ballot box, sitting in their ivory think tank towers planning other peoples lives to which these mayors actually listen and subscribe. U.S. Mayors
The Times article continues with the interview of Hicks. “I believe our entire City Council has a great deal of integrity,” said Hicks.. “We serve Walnut Creek because we care deeply. We love Walnut Creek.” Hicks apparently really believes that Walnut Creek’s residents can’t get along without her and her vision of a “healthy community.”
Walnut Creek and Contra Costa County, in general, according to the County web site, boasts a favorable income level and education for the majority of residents especially in the central, eastern and southern parts of the county. One would think that with that kind of background we would be able to achieve the good life on our own. Not Hicks apparently, she seems to believe that not only did she get elected to the City Council to guide it’s infrastructure, she thinks the job carries the title of mentor as well.
The main purpose of this US Conference for Mayors is to promote the latest gimmicks for linking up local communities into one big, cooperative global public/private partnership. This is accomplished by bringing elected officials and non-governmental agencies - NGOs’ - together to form a union so to speak to bring every community into line with the globalization of the world following the agenda set down by the U.N.’s Agenda 21.
Public/private partnerships merge the authority of the government and often the funding of programs together with those private sector groups who are seen to have the closest association with the public as well as the public’s trust, to provide “services” to everyone. What people are failing to understand is that these local agencies are now tied to the government through these partnerships, implementing programs not so much designed to be beneficial to the individual resident of small town, USA, as to benefit the visions of elitist governing bodies at the expense of the individual.
Hicks as much as admits that in the Times article when she says, first in regard to the Regional Arts Center : “The goal is to continue to improve the arts and acknowledge it as an important and special part of our community that contributes to the heart and soul of our community.” She then reveals her messianic vision by saying: “One of the most satisfying things about being on the council is bringing people together to form collaborations and make this a wonderful place....My goal for the future is to promote partnerships and city alliances.”
Local officials attending national conferences get wined and dined and treated like royalty by advocates and lobbyists trying to sell their programs. The little guys from the suburbs begin to believe all the laudatory praise seeing themselves as great and innovative leaders when actually they are mere pawns in the aggressive game of politics.
For an in-depth understanding of the UN and Agenda 21 goals go to
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